Saturday, May 25, 2013

May Photo A Day Challenge : Day 25.Us.

The Day 25 prompt for "May Photo A Day Challenge : A challenge that will change your life" - 25. Us: Us could mean your workmates, family, friends or otherwise. How will you show everyone your ‘us’?

Have posted too many pics from the past 24 days which represent "me" , "us" and "we" . Yet again I want to show "Us" . Us here doesn't mean me and my husband or me with my parents. 

In the below collage in the first pic its me with my friends who were a part of that folk dance in which we prayed forest Goddess for rains :P . Can you recognize me in it ? We all were in jubilant moods so jubilant that it actually rained the next day :D 

The best "us" is when kids get together. Its a racket and a perfect entertainment show to people like "us". Hence the remaining pics in this collage are of the kids / bachoos - Bacha party as I would like to call. The second pic of collage has Sami, Danish and Ayaan (L-R)

When the third pic was clicked Ayaan was not born. Sami and Danish were tiny and the one in red (Tabish) is the eldest of all cousin bros and sisters who came from the U.S.A. along with his younger brother in white (Suhaan) to meet the cousins in India. He is coming this month end again after 5 years. He was just 6 then and now he would be 11 years old. I am all excited to meet him and see the transformation both physical and mental :) Cannot really favorite any one here but a little partiality is allowed as it is my blog. My heart favorite is Ayaan ! In the last pic I am enjoying the ruckus he usually creates.

Good day to all of "US!" :)


  1. beautiful and touching take on Us Afshan! :)
    Happy weekend dearie! :)

  2. Are the second from left in pink sari?

  3. Wow, you danced the rain into falling?! I know who to call when rains are needed ;)
    Lovely pics of bacha party!

  4. I have danced in rain but never for rain ;) lovely pics

  5. The kids in the second pic look like they're definitely up to something.

  6. That's a lovely collage Afshan :) I like the story about the rain falling after you danced for it!

    The kiddos are great :)

  7. Lovely Collage. It is difficult to chose "us" pics. There are so many. :)

  8. Lovely pics. I want more details of this bacha party. Are they the children of your siblings or your cousins?

    1. They are alll my cousin's kids- Cousin bros and sister's :) !
      my sibling still bachelor ;)

  9. They seem like a riot together :)

  10. Oh, I love their expressions. And Ayaan is just too cute :D

  11. @Nbose: THey sure r

    @Nandana : :) Ya

  12. dance for rain is modelled after lagaan?


What do you think about this ? I always love to hear back. A comment or a brickbat boosts me to write more but the mud slinging shall be promptly vacuumed.

Thanks for your time :)

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