Thursday, May 2, 2013

May Photo A Day: DAY 2 - Morning ritual

The Day 2 prompt for "May Photo A Day Challenge : A challenge that will change your life" is 2 . Morning ritual: What’s something you do most morning. Shoot and share it. My early morning ritual these days is gymming but as I forgot to shoot it ;) I want to display what I do most of the morning. With so many challenges I am glued to my blog and others blogs these days hence my morning ritual is browsing through blogs with a bowl of oats !
Find my click at Instagram -


  1. That's cool! I know, because of the last Challenge, life revolved in and around blogs! Good one for the prompt today! :)

  2. Guys, we're all so addicted to our lappys. I can barely keep my hands off her ;)

    1. I cant take my eyes off her. We all in lurrrve with her :( sigh

  3. OMG, that's what we are all doing these days! :D Nice one!

    1. hehe ya . I couldnt think of any thing else :)
      Good dya

  4. Blogs the first thing? Wow/ I cant get out of the views from my balcony first and then my usual tea and newspaper


    1. Actually Blogs are not "FIRST" but they r the most . Thats what I told. Couldnt capture gym . sun or tea hence blog ;)

  5. hehehe I see so many comp screen in todays prompt :D

  6. I wish I could do that. :(

    1. hehe I wish not to do that but thats the only thing which keeps me sane as of nw

  7. :D Bloggers seem to be a similar breed everywhere! :p
    Thankfully, I fell out of love with my PC a while ago! (Read: "after my eyes got busted with Farmville!") So turning on the PC is no more a morning ritual for me! :D

    1. haha
      I never play but only lately am glued to blogs due to April challenge :)
      thanks for dropping by

  8. That's more like it, what surya namaskars and almonds, this is what I am talking about! Great stuff, keep doing this Afshan, gives me so much solace in knowing someone just like me :)

    Akhil Kalsh

    1. :) haha Hyfive on that :) !
      Ya Post the challenge took me to another level of PEace as I knew many who r crazy like me
      Good lck

  9. Ha! Love this one. I'm possessive about my tech gadgets (music player, laptop, camera) because people don't usually handle them with as much love as I do ;)

  10. hehe!! I think this is going to be my morning ritual as well in the month of May!!
    Perfect! ;)

  11. I tell myself every day to stop being obsessed with internet (read Facebook and Blogging). I keep on checking my laptop, Tablet and phone one after another......haan haan main crazy hoon :-)

  12. @Nandana : That was a good comment nandu !! PPL love their own gadgets na. OTHERS' properties are always OTHERS'
    :) I LOOOVE my gadjets too . They listen to me , bear wth me and r silent even when I bang them ;)

    @JANU : Same tighttttt pinch

    @Reema : haan wo to hum sab hi hai !

    @Pixie: Ya ! Good to see u here Hema :)


What do you think about this ? I always love to hear back. A comment or a brickbat boosts me to write more but the mud slinging shall be promptly vacuumed.

Thanks for your time :)


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