Saturday, April 5, 2014

"E" for "Excitements"

The excitement at times flows out of the brim,
when it becomes magnanimous it is hard to  trim.
A baby screams loud looking at her granny after long.
It sleeps happily when mom sings a sweet lullaby song!

The excitement on the first day of the school.
The same revival of memory in later days is so cool.
The first time crush which makes everything more beautiful.
The drowned excitement when you realize you are just a fool! :-(

The excitement when you enter the age of thir-teen.
A pimple on your cheek and the feelings unseen.
The muscled boy next door also seems like a puzzle to solve.
Around the dream boy and Mr. Right all your imaginations revolve!

The excitement when you plan the first date out.
The over excitement when you hide so as not to be spotted.
You are extra cautious when you get dressed and make plans.
You don’t sleep the whole night as you are in a kind of trance!

The excitement when you see her daily in the lift.
The overwhelm in the stomach creates a rift.
The neatly framed words die before they touch the lips.
For a single glance of her per day, you take too many trips!

The excitement when you get what you desire the most.
The excitement when you decide you will write a blog post.
The excitement when you succeed and your friends toast.
The excitement when your kid excels and you happily boast!

Image source : here
Nerd Flanders is a fictional character in the famous TV sitcom- Simpsons

Aah the excitements, they make us feel alive!

 They make us some times do a jive.

Excitements fill the spice in the mundane life.

Small or big, these excitements make us forget our day to day strife! 

Is there any thing you are excited about other than the A to Z challenge as of now ? :)
This random poem is my 5th  post for "A to Z blogging Challenge 2014"

Some D posts which deserve a read are :

Prathima's Death- When Joe Black comes calling -  I pondered a lot

Prudhvi Latha's beautiful sunset clicks - Dusk

Take a look at Jean's amazing Fictionary :) :) - I am her new fan!


  1. Seriously life without excitement is no life at all

  2. hahahha!! Cute poem indeed, Afshan!

  3. Yes. Very much true :) Life needs excitement, no matter where you find it.

    1. YA to make life interesting it is much needed.
      Thanks for ur time Leo

  4. What an exciting post madamji!

  5. Nice one Afshan. A lot of excitement here.

  6. Excitement gives that edge to life or maybe vice versa. Enjoyed reading it, Afshan and thank you for featuring my post. Your kind gesture is much appreciated

    1. :) I love featuring the posts I LIKE ! Thanks prathima . Ya excitement - less life is dull , dumb and goes wasted :)

  7. Aree....thats a lovely poem afshan :-) all peppy and true!!

  8. awesome...
    For me right now it is

    1. haha Which cake ??
      Stay excited or else the essence of life wears off
      thanks REDHANDED <3

  9. Cute! I havent experienced a lot of those but some others :) what a life would be without enough excitement.

    1. :) :) ya we all experience one or the other excitements !
      Thanks for visiting me Sugandha. Appreciate the time !

  10. Naah. Right now it is only A to Z challenge. Even the birds are taking a rest! ;)

    1. ya . It is like rest all got vanished from brain no :-o ?
      Thanks Shail

  11. As I am a pretty intense person, I am excited a lot of the time about numerous things, and therefore relate to this marvelous poem of yours very well! Actually. I even relate to Ned Flanders because I am left handed and he had a store for left handed people for a while on The Simpsons! :) So you really did a great job expressing all sorts of excitement! Thanks for the lovely fun! jean

    1. Thats cool. I love The Simpsons :) My kind of show !
      Thank U jean for your elaborate comment and for getting connected to my poem
      Afshan :)

  12. Love this cute poem! Especially this:

    The first time crush which makes everything more beautiful.
    The drowned excitement when you realize you are just a fool! :-(

  13. I was very excited about weekend until I fell sick :(
    cool post though..loved all excitement that you built into it.

  14. Stopping by on the 5th day of the #atozchallenge while looking for fellow writers. Congratulations on your blog. I know you are going to make new blogging friends this month. I'm writing about gardening and related topics and having a wonderful time. If you have time or interest, come and visit.

  15. That's an exciting most excited about this challenge and hope to complete it successfully.

  16. So many exciting moments wrapped in one :)

  17. So many exciting moments wrapped in one :)

  18. I am excited that I have found you through the A to Z Challenge!

  19. Damn cute poem... Feeling "Excited"...

  20. Its so close to real life, I can identify to all stages of life in this poem. I loved this one the best, probably because these is my present excitements :)
    The excitement when you get what you desire the most.
    The excitement when you decide you will write a blog post.
    The excitement when you succeed and your friends toast.
    The excitement when your kid excels and you happily boast!


What do you think about this ? I always love to hear back. A comment or a brickbat boosts me to write more but the mud slinging shall be promptly vacuumed.

Thanks for your time :)