Tuesday, April 29, 2014

"Y" for "Yada Yada Yada"

No creative juices flowing as of now. I can't quit the challenge when I am almost near the shore, hence tolerating the wrath of A to Z , making a mental note that next year 99% I will not jump in to this fire and settling down to write my "Y" post simultaneously thinking to my self , "Y in the name of Arlee Bird did I take this challenge?" :P  !

You would have heard this phrase yada yada yada. This is similar to blah blah blah. 8 out of 10 times in a day I feel I am hearing to a person's yada yada yada where I am totally not related to what he is speaking. Take our a to z challenge for instance. At times I read posts which absolutely go above my head. I silently close the window and move on to the next if I don't understand it. If I understand you have all my attention but if it is yada yada I can't show any pretension. Same applies to real life conversations too in my case!

She: "You know yesterday we went to Wok Chinese."

Me: "Oh! wow."

She: "It was such a great fun you know . There was this fortune cookie contest and ......we won.......the girl in blue.......the guy at the door..........she was looking just ok..................... and yada yada yada !"

Only yada yada can fill the gaps when I feel totally out of place and when I am completely disinterested. She was clearly clueless that I am not at all interested in the little details of her life at-least at that point of time when I am seriously working err.. A to Z'ing' I mean. 

Next time if you see me lost in nothingness please cut your crap, concise the conversation and make it interesting. You need to be a good listener to talk so much. If you are not one then refrain from initiating conversations which never have a full stop :( 

A wise person once said that listen and silent have same alphabets and you need to be silent to listen!

Manager: "This project is highly important for the organisation. We should meet the SLAs . We should meet the metrics. You all should take breaks only when needed. Last year's statistics show that ...........our competent company............this tool improved productivity and yada yada and some more yada "

See this is how the frequency of yada yada increases. The more dis-interesting the conversations, the more is the frequency of Yada yada.
This is done with the help of toondoo.com but idea is mine!
If you really want to be a good conversationalist then involve the audience, cut short and be clear about what you say. Just don't do the yada yada :)

Today  I am KISS(Keeping it Simple and Silly)ing the post as I am totally exhausted and as I really don't want to do Yada Yada. 

Love You all. Another word with "Y" with out which this challenge would have been deadly boring is You. Yes , YOU ALL my dear friends who not only read my posts but also acknowledge it . So thanks from the bottom of my heart. Finalllllllllllllllllllllllly it is "Z" tomorrow and my post is going to be veryy short and more silly.

PS: Have you seen the movie Julie and Julia(Amy Adams and Meryl Streep Starrer). I watched it yesterday. More on it on some other day. It is based on two true stories and it shows how one can do wonders with blogging. The movie inspired me and I am sure it will inspire you as well! So keep blogging and do watch the movie!

This is  my last but one (25th post) for  A to Z challenge 2014. Hurray!!!!!


  1. Loved it! Sometimes people want us to listen to their talks which are in no way important or interesting to us and that irritates!

  2. I have heard this 'yada yada yada" phrase too :) oh some people go on and on. And thanks to you too Afshan for dedicatedly visiting all our posts and leaving your views in there. :)

  3. hehehe...I have so many people who do this YADA YADA YADA...:( Thankfully not my boss!
    I love that movie!! Meryl is the best!

  4. Awesome! I know where u come from....there are so many of those yada yada blabbers happening around us...yet another humorous one from you :)

  5. Haha I so totally relate to it, especially when my manager starts spewing nonsense, my mind goes yada yada yada ;-)

    And yes, I've seen the movie and loved it :)


  6. He he....I thnk we all have been through the yada yada yada some or the other time. Funny post :-)

  7. Yada..yada..people who keeps on yada..yada..as I twist my hair lock to signal I am done with dat..love the post, Afshan and such fun to read..yada yada..superb:)

  8. ok You can breathe now :)

  9. I want to see that movie, on your recommendation!
    I think what you have said here is WONDERFUL.
    My uncle, who was in the government of the US in the 1980's: when he first arrived to take his cabinet post, he issued a memo. It told everyone who worked for him to keep to the point and not waste their words. It became quite famous (although that was not his intention). However, he was the first politician to ever try to get people in government to keep all words brief and to the point!
    :) thank you for all your visits to me. jean xox

  10. What you have written is so true.We need to be silent to listen.I am an awful listerner.I would love to watch the movie you stated.Will catch up with it after this challenge ends tomorrow.

  11. Yes, there are people who just go ya da ya da!

  12. We are almost there. Just one more day. :)
    When people go yada yada I go zzzzzzzzzz.......... :P

  13. How do we listen if we've already decided that people have nothing to say? That it's all yada, yada, yada? Sometimes, people don't know what to say. Sometimes they want to make a connection and don't know how. Sometimes, they need help to move into meaningful conversation. (I can't tell you how many times my or my friends' inane conversation has held a plea for help. In fact, inane can be an indication that some important thing is not being said.) Of course, some people really have nothing going on inside their heads and hearts. How does one decide?

    Visiting from A to Z Challenge. Drusilla (http://lovedasif.com/)

  14. You somehow "yada-fied" your way out of this one :) Yes, uninteresting conversations are such a pain right:)

  15. Yada Yada Yada, but padha padha padha and loved it!! U r awesome Afshan :)

  16. I struggled with Y too, and my boyfriend suggested Yada Yada Yada. I went with Yogurt instead!

  17. I can't stand long-winded people. I used to be patient with them, but that was a waste of time. I back away, make an excuse to leave, or avoid them.

  18. I never noticed that "listen" and "silent" had the same letters in them, but I do know "stressed" and "dessert" do!

    Are you familiar with the American tv show called "Seinfeld?" They used the phrase "yada yada yada" all the time in there!

  19. Listen and silent have the same alphabets was a revelation to me too. I am mostly lost in my own world that I don't mind the yada yada yada...actually people find this attitude about me rude.

  20. Yes, I know what you are saying. My mind switches off very fast when I get into such situations. Love the cartoon. :)


What do you think about this ? I always love to hear back. A comment or a brickbat boosts me to write more but the mud slinging shall be promptly vacuumed.

Thanks for your time :)