Friday, April 18, 2014

"P" for "Poetry/ Poem of Love"

I love poems as they can be instantly felt. For today I am sharing a poem I wrote years back. It may sound silly as I was veryyyy young when I wrote this ;)
Image source : here

Are you in Love??

When everything around you starts seeming bright
When you feel what all you do is right
When you feel in your eyes a sparkle of light
When you feel everything is colorful,yet you lose your sight!

Is that Love?!

When you feel all alone in a group
When you feel active only when he is in loop
That every second you miss him
That every second you look at him

Is that love?!

When you try getting his attention
When you speak with pretension
When he says it is wrong,your pursuit to rectify
When his single glance makes you petrify!

Are you in love?!

The pain you feel when he is away
The joy you feel when he comes and you sway
The colorful dressing and the concentration on looks
You always want to get in to his good books!

Are you in love?!

Why do you smile so much hiding your shiver?
Will you suppress your feelings and bear the pain forever?
How can you hide so long, the fervor!?
You need to tell him. It is now or never!

You are indeed in love!

Many say love is the mind’s play
Makes you mad, makes you happy and makes you fray!
I say, love is the music of the heart
It shows dreams and plays loud with every single beat!

“Yes. You are in Love!”

Some "O"some O posts

Prathima Rao teaches a new word - Onomatopoeia

Shinjini - An ode to an ordinary life

Ghata's Opulence

Shail's On a Rainy Day

Some cool blogs I discovered yesterday.

This is my 16th post for  A to Z challenge 2014


  1. This is beautiful birthday girl, If you wrote this years!! I love the last stanza!!!

  2. Everything is fair in love and anything happens in love and everything happens in love...Happy Birthday Afshan!

    1. :) :) Thanks Prudhvi
      Appreciate ur time here....

  3. Very nice! You were always good at poetry!

  4. You express so beautifully ! nice read !

  5. Very sweet and romantic. Love is truly the music of the heart.

  6. Hey Afshan, that's a cute poem :) Thanks for featuring my blog. Much appreciated.

  7. Happy B'day first of all and this is a wonderful poem and yes I'm in love too :)

    P for Petrified-Random Thoughts Naba

    1. Thanks for the wishes :) and thanks for liking the poem

  8. Arre waah...such a sweet poem. And I can only admire poetry, never make one. Happy birthday girl. And yeah, thanks for featuring me :-)

  9. I love this and you wrote this straight from real feelings--that is wonderful. I can tell! It has a lovely dancelike rythym to it! :) jean

  10. Thanks Jean
    always appreciate your compliments. they make me feel good

  11. Aww...young love is always special, isn't it? :)

  12. Inspired by love on your b'day? :D The many aspects and proofs of love....

  13. You are not only a gifted writer, but a gifted poet as well! Nice work!


What do you think about this ? I always love to hear back. A comment or a brickbat boosts me to write more but the mud slinging shall be promptly vacuumed.

Thanks for your time :)