Funniest are FB posts where a grave accident in US which killed 5 Indian students is discussed as importantly as Aradhya bachan’s revelation. Everyone wants to talk one thing or the other. It’s definitely good to discuss, share opinions and voice your thoughts or fight for your rights if needed but here am going to discuss what happens when it becomes “excess” and when every other crap occurrence is entitled as “NEWS” or “REPORT”!
You all must be aware of the Guawahati molestation case. Am sure many of
us would have forgotten those criminals’ names and none would
be knowing the actual law and punishment in India in such case but almost all
would know how to search on you tube. WAIT! Why to search?!If you open You tube
it might show up in most viewed or featured videos as well! 8 out of 10 Indians who have access to Internet would definitely have watched
this video sighing and pitying : “Ah Poor girl! This shouldn’t have happened?”
MEDIA covered it very well. The way those animals held her, tore her
clothes, her replies etc. When someone shared it I couldn’t go beyond 30 sec.
It all seemed like a plot. Who is actual MEDIA? Who took the video? Who stopped
the act is all in haze. I was disturbed for a week or so and then forgot about
the news like many. I heard 4-5 people were arrested. Yep media say they have
done a great job but one from the same media was also arrested for encouraging
the criminals in their heinous act! I was glad at least few were arrested (GOD
KNOWS IF AT ALL THEY ARE REALLY PUNISHED). Even after the arrests I don’t feel
like thanking the MEDIA as I HATE THE MEDIA’s style of reporting, passing the
information to people. Is it necessary to repeat and re-repeat the news and the
clippings of the crime? I never understood the TRPS but Media
is ever ready to make people feel uncomfortable or sick!
When YSR (A.P.’s X CM- Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy) expired in that tragic
helicopter accident the news which was AP’s sensation 2 years back a news
channel which sighted the copter remnants displayed the news in BIG BOLD
letters BREAKING NEWS. We were speechless , sorrowful but at the same time I
was feeling funny as the reporter continuously shouted PLEASE NOTE THAT IT is our channel **
TV which reported this incident first. I was not even sure if he mentioned that
the CM of A.P. died!! It was outrageous and hilarious at the same time. Such is
the craving of news channels and journalists (most of them) to earn brownies! You all must be aware of Peepli Live and Rann Movies.
Media concentrated a lot on Aish’s weight than Saina winning Bronze
medal. There is a eve teasing, a rape or murder or women bullied in NCR or some
other committed suicide you can see media hovering around the crime scene like
dementors (it is harry potter Lingo) with their Jet black Cameras and
microphones! It’s very difficult for them to report without sucking the life
out of you! Once I saw some mishaps in Ashram where people are actually drugged
to make them feel “spiritual” and then the swamy does his cheap tactics and
acts with disciples specially women. I don’t remember which swamy and when it
happened but I remember that I felt like puking and switched off the TV like
always as the program was covered for more than 1 hour. One thing I don’t
understand about reporters is they report the happenings but what after that?
Do all follow up to see if there is a progress due to their efforts? Do all
cross check if justice has been granted? That swamy
still takes spiritual lessons and I keep seeing his hoardings and ads.
I guess most of the media have their best interests in just showing what all they want to and then move on to another grave news or Ram charan’s or Genelia’s wedding or a made up weather report . To me all three kind of news seem to be handled with same intensity and seriousness by many news channels.
I guess most of the media have their best interests in just showing what all they want to and then move on to another grave news or Ram charan’s or Genelia’s wedding or a made up weather report . To me all three kind of news seem to be handled with same intensity and seriousness by many news channels.
The purpose of writing this article is some blog I recently read where I
got rude responses from the author who claims he is a journalist! Am sure Barkha dutt or Karan Thapar or the man who is barred recently Aseem Rastogi (for his cartoons [A wicked act but a sensible one which
reflects Indian politicians and corruption]) or many other International
journalists would be more polite than him while
replying! I myself have interacted with many magazine editors and international
reporters. There is a journalist from Gulf who writes serious journals and
addresses issues and reports them. He replies to me patiently me being just
another reader! Every other naive or experienced journalist or reporter should
learn first how to talk without losing their cool when a reader expresses concern or needs a clarification. You cant just escape by saying. Am a reporter so I report. Face it! Am not sure if they have
this session on" how to talk to your readers?" in their journalism classes!
Firstly the report (as he says that he is a reporter and he would report
no matter what) he made on his website was about some fake religious website
where a person (obviously you can imagine the sanity or ignorance levels of the
person on the other side of the box) will chat with you and help you in getting
converted to a particular religion! The name of the religion was written in
CAPS in his title which itself is a bit provoking and places the reader if he
is from the same religion in DISCOMFORT zone! The post is given a PS: Not to
hurt anyone and NOM and not to be serious etc etc. Any post which has this is
bound to hurt someone or the other! COME ON WE ARE BLOGGING almost since valmiki shouted Maramaramara. The chat conversations were
pasted where the person in hoodwink who wants to get you converted asks all his
doubts to the other one blaming “Your religion is no good right?? (I am not
writing the exact snippets as I don’t feel like) I heard this and this about it
What will anyone expect the other person will reply?! He will obviously say, “NOPE! We are good, holy . That’s all a hoax!”
What irritated me more were not the website authorities’ most expected
replies but the way the person who is investigating the website asked the
questions. Any sane person would know that website is a big joke and ignore it
but he being a journalist wanted to investigate it, know its authenticity and
report to people. Even if I think on a bigger picture am not sure if he is
doing any good to mankind due to this mocking- report! To me it showed the hidden
intentions to showcase the bad and there’s no sign of him asking anything about
religion itself! He first of all dug from
excavations some site which nobody knew even existed and then highlighted it
with the chat convo he had using some temporary ID and pasted all the replies!
Anybody who say they are neutral will definitely be from similar kind of
journalism or a person who knows the journalist or someone who is not sensitive and doesn't bother enough or a person who thinks the effort is a heroic act. Even I felt irritable when I saw
such fake website exists but god knows how many more such websites
exist taken the infinite religions in to count. There are even people who are
claiming after that post in some argument that “In so and so religion I never
saw such site!” Did he/she go through ALL the
websites of that religion? I don’t think it is humanly possible to do that and how exactly did that report help people?
My only concern is when there is already so much havoc in the world due
to religious rivalry and so many other important issues is there something good
achieved by notifying this website to people ??Ya Ya people got alert and are surprised and shocked but this could have been done in a better way too but as
a matter of fact the reporter claims it was neither mockery nor foolery just a
clean report! Leave good or bad, is this post even necessary in present day
scenario! Well I don’t see any use due to this report. The only result is few laughs and mocks from the fellas and friends and
pats by colleagues as if it is a “BRAVO” act! To me it was an unnecessary
provoking act. So was to many others.
Some diplomatic people say it was just unleashing the fact and being a
reporter if the purpose is only to report whatever big or small the sector of
people is getting offended then I HATE SUCH JOURNALISM! I hate the holier than
thou journalists who think writing and then giving adamant replies and apologizing in public will resolve everything. There is nothing “heroic” about
all this to me!
So friends I want to conclude this article by wishing and hoping
abundant sanity exists in the world. If there is
insanity then reporting the insanity in such a way that sane people’s brains
get blocked is more insane and I guess whenever a
person is writing or reporting something with regards to religion and then gets rude on hearing peoples perspectives should be
ready to taste sour grapes!
PS: I respect all religions and hence am not digging in to the mess they
create or the fake-ness and fairness of any religion and harness my knowledge
coz am least bothered about all such reports! I am only bothered about silly reports getting projected in a sillier useless way!
If Keh- Ke – lena is the motto of many journalists then I am glad that am not in to
this profession which long long ago used to be a dreamy profession to me!