Monday, December 9, 2013

The Face-book of life

Photograph was a rarity before facebook. As and when I remember facebook I remember hundreds and thousands of faces swarming in front of my eyes. I remember them just the way they look on facebook. It might be their 10 year old snapshot or a mug shot or the pic of a baby in cradle. The baby can be their new born or sometimes their sister’s / brother’s new born. There have been incidents when I got utterly confused on seeing an image as I was not sure whether to wish them congrats on the pic or message and be sure first! Whatever you click goes in to Facebook. Everybody thinks he is an ace photographer once he receives a couple of good compliments. I am not complaining here. I am guilty myself as I click a picture and assume it has come out gorgeously! Posting and liking photographs is everyone’s priority task on FB.  

Before Facebook Photos were meant to be circulated among close friends or they were uploaded with restricted permissions. Now with huge facebook network and 1000 odd friends they are open to many to like and to post comments. Facebook deserves it’s nomenclature as it literally is the FACE-book.

Face book serves multiple purposes. It is the rant platform, the PDA (public Display of Affection) platform, the makeup and break up point, the friendship point and also a wall on which one can scribble, play around and paint his/her own graffiti all the time! Before the advent of facebook we had orkut which was not that interesting. I remember an interesting RIP Orkut image shared all over the net once people stopped using it.

Before facebook opinion was given only when asked for or when it is important. Now everyone gives an opinion on anything and everything and facebook acts as a catalyst when they want to express it as it is exposed to a huge audience.  The age old adage that “Opinions are like noses. Everyone has one,” is proven every day on facebook. Before facebook, friend’s circle was a close knitted one. Now everyone has a minimum of 200+ friends and their details are tough to track and remember. Before Facebook a 9-11 year old kid was not too much involved in online friendships. Now frand-shipping is an easy peasy task which will be shipped to your Face book profile on your desktop/laptop seconds after you accept the friend request .

Please do read the rest of my article and drop your comments at the Half Baked Beans blog!

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