Tuesday, April 12, 2022

J for Juggling

The rooster 🐓 croons, 🐦 pigeon coos and the sparrow chirps!

Oh! It's another day... what day is it? And what may be the date?

I neither can track the time, nor can I track the weeks!

The months come one after the other as I put up chunks of fat in my cheeks!

"Do I have to wake up?" was the uncertainty I had on most of the days!

Just to get on with the day, I needed to invent so many ways...

"Wake up mamma! I need choco milk," echoes a booming voice.

Reluctantly I get up, remembering my 9-5 job that pays!

source : here

Milk tumbler in a hand, tea in another. I tend to the daughter who manages to be "The Flash!"

As the washing machine vibrates, making the racket of a sound...

I suddenly get a thought to write...something very profound!

But I haven't written in ages. The blog with all drafts, is buried in the ground!

As I start working, I hear a shrilly cry in my ear.

I say sorry and mute my conference call, only to learn - her painting page had a tear!

I go back to work with half mind, with daughter always ruling my time.

The new normal is for one and all, your struggle's not worth a dime!

Spacing out, lethargy and, the feeling to do nothing became a frequent routine.

The suggestions didn't help much - Vitamin c, multi vitamin supplements or the protein!

"Depression"- some labelled it so. Is it only due to Covid or was it dormant from long?

Is the new life a reason that it surfaced so strong!?

As I got used to the indoor life at a snail's pace,

I saw that many were productive and were running a race!

To me day after day it felt like life is stuck in a forever limbo...

I hoped for better times while watching and hearing the Covid induced jingo!

The crawling of the 🐜 ants, biting of  a🦟 mosquito and the nimble cockroach 🪳.

Never did I observe the nooks and crannies of my home so much!

As I juggle between work, home, school, daughter, everything in between four walls on a spree.

I imagine myself sitting by the sea, sipping a tea, watching a sunset and breathing it free!

PS: I realized April is poetry month. I have been visiting many seasoned, wonderful poets as part of the challenge. I write poems myself, though I don't have knowledge of various poetic forms. I applaud all the poets I read who taught me so much! I only know about rhyme, rhythm and the feels. Hope you enjoyed reading it!

I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022 and this is my J post. I am taking up this challenge after many years as I want to talk about Covid life and the daughter diaries!

Some interesting blogs you can visit:

http://pepperroute.com/ (a delicious blog)

https://waffle-with-wendy.blogspot.com/ (quirky and creative writing style. You wont regret spending time :) )

https://thethreegerbers.blogspot.com/ (a very interesting tale of coffee)


  1. That's the life of a working mom!! Always juggling to try to get it all done!!


  2. Hugs Afshan! Must be a tough struggle and a 'juggle' to be able to do so much! And add to it Covid induced isolation, so tiring - mentally all the more. I hope you get ample breaks and some me time <3! Lots of love.

  3. Work from home actually means working 24x7 and women are most affected I think. The 'juggle' can be really tough and having to make choices/ prioritise is not always a happy decision! Hang in there!

  4. So relatable Afshan. A mom always has to wear the juggling hat 24*7, without a break !!

  5. Hari OM
    Ah we both broke out into poetry for J
    Each so different yet with love in play
    for we owe it to others to rise and shine
    Attending duties helps us shine!!!
    YAM xx

  6. Hi Somedays are definitively harder to juggle than other. Somedays I have to remind myself to breathe.

  7. I'm not a mom, but still do plenty of juggling.

  8. Juggling is sometimes called the art of controlling patterns. You do that very well. Salute.

  9. enjoyed your poem Afshan. And Oh yes, been juggling for years now and still need to practice.. :)

  10. I am so sorry you've been feeling low. Here's to hoping that the energy and joy of life comes back. The days are long, but the years are short, and before you know if your baby girl goes to college.
    Thank you so much for the shout out, much appreciated!

  11. "Never did I observe the nooks and crannies of my home so much!" So very, very true. You are a poet and an excellent juggler. Now all you need is sunshine and birdsong. Go outside and breathe - just a little every day. Baby girl will love it too. And keep writing, Afshan!

  12. I think for many it was being inside and away from "real life." My friends from Uganda to India to UK all seem to be reawakening like a dormant rose. yes get to the beach with your daughter, a book and some cool tea!!!
    My Journal Thanks for your daily visit. Would love to after all the a to z to find out more about your writing ...

  13. Cheers for contributing to the wonderfulness that is poetry month! It's tough to feel pulled in so many directions, but I'm hoping some tea and breathing free are in your immediate future.

  14. Juggling is a great word to use, but I'm a bit partial regarding that word since I am a juggler.

    These days I'm retired with kids grown and gone so I don't have the juggling that you have, but I remember those days of juggling life of kids, jobs, and personal things. I'm still juggling a few things, but more slowly with less energy.

    Nice observations in your well written poem.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  15. I always fancied I would jog or run! Never happened- but surely can relate to a juggling mom- hang in there!

  16. You did a very good job of getting a feel for your topsy-turvy life.

  17. All this juggling & multitasking...will one day be remembered fondly. No regrets- there will be times when you will smile & applaud yourself how well you managed.

  18. Beautifully written. The part about the torn painting and conference call had me smiling with "oh yeah! I know that" :)

  19. Juggling is also a lot of prioritising. It's challenging. If one thinks more about it, the harder it becomes. The best thing is just don't think about it. Just do it!

  20. I think this poem paints a vibrant picture of a mother's life during the pandemic!

  21. As a parent we somehow learn to Juggle and as time passes we almost excel in it. Could relate with every single line. Well done !

  22. Love this! So funny that we both wrote about Juggling in a similar manner. Always hard to juggle all of our mother duties but somehow we manage!

  23. Great post. Yes being a parent isn't easy especially if you have to work too. I was fortunate to be a stay at home parent when my kids were little. I am also fortunate to be retired now so that I didn't have all the pressure of juggling home and work life during the pandemic. You summed up the challenges really well.

  24. Very well written poem. Simple and relatable!

    Hopping in from the A-Z community,

  25. SPLENDID ABSOLUTELY 💯 👌 👏 👍 😀 Not only working Moms , but stay at home Mothers are also sailing in the same boat throughout 😀 😄 👍 Wonderfully written 👌👌👌

  26. Aptly described your state as working mom comparing with juggling. As Ranjana mentioned above, Moms in general not just working moms can be compared to professional jugglers. Work life balance gurus talk about priorities however I don't think it is possible for a Mom. Jugglers have to keep juggling to be successful they cannot say I will prioritise this ball over the other. Once they prioritise they drop a ball and lose the act. Similar is the case with Moms , they have to keep everyone happy!!! Kudos to all Moms out there for such a feat!!!

  27. I hope you get to the beach or some other place of get-away soon.

  28. I have constantly been amazed at how you juggled work and the demands of a child and a household during the lockdown. You definitely need a long, lazy vacation!


What do you think about this ? I always love to hear back. A comment or a brickbat boosts me to write more but the mud slinging shall be promptly vacuumed.

Thanks for your time :)