Monday, April 4, 2022


Cov"idiot" is the term coined during covid to refer to individuals who think it is just ok to break all the rules, to deny the safety protocols, and be irresponsible! Whenever the cases spiked, normal people who fear for their life strictly mask up, wash hands, use sanitizer and do whatever they could and can to keep the virus at bay, but our covidiots feel the liberty to remove the mask, to party , to gather in large crowds and, even protest against covid norms. 

I could not believe when I read news about people fighting for their rights on streets in USA to remove masks, to celebrate, to go back to normalcy, when Covid was in full glory! I thought may be a bunch of people have lost senses and are behaving recklessly....but when I came across such folks even in my vicinity I realized they exist everywhere!

Some x I know was always reckless whenever I reminded about Covid protocols, with people in that home always going out, partying or letting the kids go play in crowds... because they are vaccinated. Among people known to me, they were the first to contract Covid in the second wave and repented a lot later ! Thankfully they were not admitted though they got many symptoms and became very weak later. May be the vaccine helped them or may be their immunity, but if we keep all the may bes aside, the resistance they or blokes like them showed towards Covid guidelines was unbelievable. If some of them went to supermarkets even during complete lockdown to buy the flour of their favorite brand😠… some one else was bored and just wanted to meet friends. May be I am too pessimistic but I was mostly locked up at home. The many deaths I heard even in close circles made me much more cautious and my heart raced whenever my daughter played even in corridors during peak Covid.

An old notice detailing how to lessen the spread during spanish flu. source: here

The protocols may not guarantee a 100% protection but they at least act as precautionary measures to a great extent, to not get contracted and to not spread the disease. A Mask is an age old method followed to stay protected from many kinds of flus (see above image)!

On the present day, it is a great relief to see that public is going back to normalcy slowly. WE ALL WANT OUR NORMAL LIVES BACK! The norms may be lifted soon everywhere but God forbid, if there is any other new wave....please follow necessary protocols and don't be a covidiot like below!

You have any experiences with Covidiots? Do share in comments!

Covidiot's beliefs. Source : here

I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022 and this is my 3rd post for letter C - Covidiots. I would mostly talk about Covid life and the daughter diaries! Good luck to all the participants :)


  1. Hmmm...not everyone thinks the same and there is always an other side to every coin. It is better to stay safe and be healthy always!

    1. Well. Even if there is another side to coin, I strongly believe they should not be a nuisance and follow the protocol for the sake of others - as it is a community disease - a pandemic
      Thanks for reading and commenting

  2. Honestly I agree completely some people are just so arrogant! They don't care about the safety of others at all. I swear the pandemic would be contained so much faster if people had been more sensible.

  3. I have met many of these species in last 2 years...they think they know all and are immortals...its like the proverb act in haste repent at leisure see them everywhere

  4. Yes there were (and still are) many people who don't believe in Science and have been convinced by pseudo scientific theories. People who went paryting, or shopping probably wanted to escape from thoughts of covid and all the illness and death.

    1. Ya but it was during complete lockdown with in days people here ventured out. I felt there must be little more responsibility than that - Thanks for your time here!

  5. Oh I hear you. I have seen the most educated people breaks norms, everywhere in my locality. That resulted in us being extra careful, ocd level. But damn these covidiots are worse than the virus.
    See you around the A-Z challenge!

    1. Ya some people are too chilled! Hence I become more paranoid too...
      Thanks for your time here!

  6. The amount of Covidiots I have come across.. smh

    Hopping in from the A-Z community,

  7. So many Cov-idiots! I really don't get it myself - I still wear a mask into the supermarket. Then again what can you expect when there morons is so many positions of power these days *side-eyes the UK government*?
    Tasha's Thinkings: YouTube - What They Don't Tell You (and free fiction)

  8. What I used to hate the most about covidiots was that they just didn't care about others. That sort of showed their insensitivity and lack of concern for other people.
    Day 3 - Cats

  9. I'm with Tasha--still wearing a mask at the store and other public places. I have to were one where I work, since it's considered a health-care facility.

  10. There are very many covidiots i have come across, blatantly flaunting covid rules!

  11. Have met many Covidiots in last two years. It is so frustrating that peace-loving me wanting to pick up a fight.

  12. I think you are very wise, Afshan. Mummy couldn't even takes us in to the vets. She had to wait outside with us in our boxes, if we needed to see someone. And she and the vets wore masks all the time. Locksley and I couldn't even be adopted until the first lockdown was ended, and before the next one. I think it was very hard for Mummy when Bertie was ill. We only came to Mummy because Bertie died. I don't know if it was due to Covid, or just one of those things.
    Please continue to look after yourself.
    Ludo (the guinea pig - we have to use Mummy's name on Blogger)

    1. Your pets are so cute! Thats so sad about Bertie. Am sorry.
      Covidiots induced more paranoia in me than usual.

      Love to u all Jamima
      Thanks for visiting my blog!

  13. Majority of Americans are Covidiots

  14. Personally i am for balance... not being too paranoid or scared and at the same time not being too complacent or stupid as well

    1. Thats always a good balance. Thanks for reading!

  15. @Aparna, @Tasha, @Dream Girl, @Pradeep, @SG @Jamie , @Radhika, @Renu:

    Thanks to all straight from heart for spending so much time on my blog and for reading it regularly. Due to crazy A to Z schedule...unable to get time to reply every day. I would respond after the challenge!

    I read all your comments and I echo your thoughts/how u felt
    Thanks Again

  16. I like the term. I would love to have a sign on my mask - "Where's Yours?"
    Thank you SO much for your kind comment on my blog. Wishing you a great month!!

  17. Covid has definitely taken a huge toll on all of us!

  18. We all know covidiots! I have some cousins who think the Covid vaccine is just distilled water. *Big eyeroll*
    I don't believe there is two sides to anything in times of a pandemic. Rules have to be obeyed by everyone, whatever their personal beliefs, for the safety of all concerned.

  19. I love the term CovIdiots! It certainly describes more than a few people well.

  20. We live in a county with a very high rate of Covidiots, unfortunately. Our county refused to enforce the state mask mandate when it was in place and we have a very low vaccination rate. The past two years have really lowered my opinion of a lot of people I used to respect.

  21. SOOOOOO many covidiots out there! Fortunately, my family has all been on-board with masking and getting vaccinated!

  22. I can understand people's hesitations about vaccines. I might not agree with them but I understand their not wanting to go for it. What I don't understand is their being antagonistic about even something as simple and external as the mask. A mask can reduce the probability of anything viral, anything airborne spreading. This is common sense. Unfortunately not as common. Not surprising though, in the age of Whatsapp universities and internet/quick crash courses, true medical advice will hardly stand ground in front of so called self educated quacks whose only purpose is to defy anything that is put out there.

    Here's my post for C:
    C: Chanakya’s Chant

  23. I travelled yesterday in Mumbai. The autodrivers are wearing mask even after I tell them. Today news is that new variant is found in Mumbai. We have to live with covidiots.

  24. Funny, in over two years of the plague, I have not heard the term covidiots, and it is just perfect! Great "C" post for the challenge. As part of the fun, you stopped by my place — thank you, and I'm paying it forward. Looking forward to more of your "letters."

  25. The term covidiots was well known here in the United States. We live with them daily. Right now there is no mask mandate where we live, even in doctor's offices. I had to get eyeglasses yesterday, and the optician has to get right up to your face to fit your glasses. No mask. In fact, I was just about the only one in the entire office wearing a mask. Our local positivity rates are going up so it's just a matter of time. People act like if you ignore COVID, it will just cease to exist. Sadly, that's so wrong.

  26. I remember this famous quote attributed to Einstein "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe!"

  27. I basically believe in not being too paranoid nor being to easy going. Cov idiots are definitely a problem but there many who can’t manage these masks for a long time… anyways balance is important


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Thanks for your time :)