Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Saga of "Candy" addiction!

Today morning I realised that I have ignored my blog for long and that I was not able to write any thing in it. There was a time (I mean the April month and the A to Z challenge ;) ) when I was frequent on my blog but now I am not getting sufficient time to spend time with it. Just when I was getting a bad feeling about it ,Sid Balacharan from Iwrotethis tagged me on Project 365's prompt and I am taking this as a chance to write some thing which I will write in a free style, breaking out of shackles. Writing poems on anything and everything is not new to me and you won't be much surprised by this entry but you may find this either funny or silly. I can't really say that it is a misfit post for my blog as my blog is like jack of all trades and master of none. RANDOMNESS is the motto of my blog but this is something which in project 365's absence I would not have attempted!

Anyway before drifting away I need to say that I am going through many changes personally and professionally and hence with so much on my mind , I am not able to stick to the frequent blogging. One more reason which is keeping me away from blog is the game addiction. I was never a FB game addict. I played criminal case for some days and got bored but when I came across Candy Crush Saaga after seeing 100s of people playing I was intrigued. I too started playing it precisely after reading Dyanne's Haiku on Candy Crush for the letter C as part of April A to Z challenge. She blogs at http://iwantbacksies.blogspot.in/ . I must say I instantly got hooked to the game. I am so much addicted to it that I some times play it early in the mornings as and when I wake up. I play it in the gym, in the kitchen, during breaks in office and some times in mid of work :( . I am stuck at level 70 and I can write only about that now. As I cannot write a good haiku, below is a poem written in my style describing my love hate relation ship with Candy Crush!

A bunch of candies rolling down the checkered boxes.
The high I get when I decide the awesome candy mixes.
It is as if I am actually climbing that candy mountain.
All my efforts to think some thing else are going in vain! 

The happiness when I bring the same colored candies in a row.

Oh God, you will laugh if I say that I actually don't have candy love.
Too much candy gives me an instant migraine.
But too much of this game never felt a pain!

The sight of the multi-colored candy is so delightful.

For it breaks multiple candy rows and gives you points full.
The deeds the striped candy does will leave you in smiles.
It breaks the rows and columns of the candies in piles!

My heart breaks when I see the message, "level failed" like in the picture below.

For lives and help I reach out to my fellow players and bellow.
Help instantly comes for there are many who on this saga have a crush.
As and when help arrives I play it with increased enthusiasm in a rush!

For some this game is a total waste of time, energy and brain.
For me this is like a stress buster which relieves me from the toil and strain.
I agree that  at times I go out of bounds and ignore many other important things.
But some how I feel this is better than responding to unnecessary pings! ;- )

The best  part is I am reading the book Little women again as I am not crossing the level 70.

But I want to cross it, some one please give me lives and teach me the nitty gritty!
This sure is an interesting game which is unique at each level and keeps you glued.
You will just love and hate the game and at times you may even get rude!

Kudos to the creators of the game who indeed have a sharp brain.

It is not a great deed to mankind and it sure doesn't take away your pain.
But it is a great time pass and a fun indulgence for those who want to play.
Those who are bothered by others' game  can just ignore and stay away!!

PS: Wonderful thing about candy crush is you won't gain calories as you are just playing with candies and not eating them ;) :P

PS 1 : I am stuck at 70. Give me some tips to cross it and make me smile like the girl below ;) Have a fun filled day!
image source : here
This post is written for Project 365’s Open-to-All Prompt 


  1. This was so funny Afshan! A poem on candy crush! Cute though :)
    I've consciously stayed away from playing this one after managing to wean off my addiction to Farmville a few years back. You make it sound tempting though.
    But hey do keep blogging!

    1. Firstly thanks for your time on my blog vinodini. Welcome back .i was never addicted to any game . This is the first time and if I don't cross 70 I may lose tempo soon. Candy crush surely is tempting as every level is different and sometimes u really need to make a good move hence slight work for the brain too. Anyway if u play let me know !

  2. Quite a peculiarly funny posts. To be honest, if I had a gun, I would shoot every single person who sent me a Candy Crush invite (not you, I promise!). But I suppose, they have marketed it well and that's why it;s caught on as it has. Interesting post for the prompt, and thank you for taking part.Oh, and welcome back to the blog

    1. I know it's not me coz I m cautious enough to never interfere with people who get aggressive at the name of the game :p I choose candy friends every time I need help and I double check it :)
      Anyway thanks for reading

  3. When I first saw this post, I thought, "I hope this isn't my fault!" AND IT IS MY FAULT!!! But aren't you glad I didn't write a haiku about heroin? :) Awesome poem, Afshan! And you're right, it isn't fattening, but it does make me crave Jujyfruit candies! (Do you have Jujyfruits in India?)

    1. hehehe. It is not ur fault . actually thanks to u as I wrote a poem on something I never thought I Would !!
      Good that u didnt write on heroin. Atleast I didn't hear of jujyfruit but there are many things which am not aware of so not sure :)
      thanks Dyanne for reading

    2. if they are those fruit like candies - Yes We get them but may be they are named differently :)

  4. I started playing Candy Crush too, but strictly and only on my phone. I am on level 50 :)

    1. Some levels are cleared easily on mob and some on laptop. comparatively ph is better. Don't know the reason :)
      good to know u play too
      thanks for reading

  5. hahahh!! Now I know you are addicted since you wrote a poem about it!! I'm afraid I am not of any help since I have not played the game at all!!

    1. :D haha that means U r not getting any requests or msgs from me. That is a sigh of relief ! Thanks for reading Rosh :)

  6. lol....heheheeh what can I say now. I dont know anything about CANDY CRUSH..though rolling down a candy mountain is a dream!!!
    and those lines..hahah the desperation to cross level 70 :P

    1. haha funnily I dont like candies much. I can chew a gum and play candy crush all day long but dont enjoy candies :D

      I crossed 70 . now am at 95 :) :P

  7. I love that poem! I am also addicted to that game! I don't think my phone likes it. It eats the battery up! Is there a Candy Crush Support Group? :)

    1. ya same here,, my phone keeps dying too. I put it for charging every day these days ;) Ya I too need candy crush customer care. Thanks for reading and liking it Gossip Girl

  8. Hehehehe.. funny poem Afshan :) Loved it :)

  9. Hahaha..I was a Candy Crush addict once upon a time. Not anymore, I uninstalled the game. Apt poem Afshan. :)

    1. @Reema D souza : Thanks for liking it

      @Pooja : haha ya I need to uninstall too if situation goes out of control :)

  10. A poem on Candy Crush?? Seriously, the level of ADDICTION shows! :p

    I'm not trying this game, ever, lest I get hooked too ;)

    Updated my blog with a picture-parody (read: memes) of Bollywood's greatest Revenge Saga - SHOLAY. Hope you like it. Do drop by to take a look.



    1. haha ya the game is sure addictive but some people hate all kinds of games ;)
      Ur sholay post made me laugh loud :D

  11. A poem on Candy Crush... it was cute and funny!
    I remember being stuck on level 70.. it's all about fluke ;)

    1. I crossed and now stuck at 83 ;)
      thanks for reading confused soul - oops the name sounds like me :D

  12. Hahaha.. this was such a fun post to read. I was so obsessed with the game. I played until level 270 I guess and left the game around six months ago, but yes, it is VERY ADDICTIVE. Your post just made me want to go back and play that game.

    1. Am glad U enjoyed it Dhara :) 270 is a lot. GOSH. Now I am at 95 - stuck there !! Please play it again
      U can gimme tips then ;)


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