Challenges are challenging and most of the times stressful and sweat on the brow is for sure guaranteed to reach the zenith but no challenge will act as a stress buster as much as the below one does and by the time you complete it you will feel good on accomplishing it and it will for sure bring a smile on your face. Well so if you feel like taking it up enter this 10day You challenge and pen down ALL ABOUT YOU!!!Here I go with my first day.10 secrets about me...aaaha!! Hold on.. Secrets which can be revealed ofcourse. The darkest and deepest secrets are meant to be secrets. So here are few secrets which can be shared and few are like open secrets J
So read on friends and take up the challenge if you like it !Meet again tomorrow
1.) I want to spend a week in future ofcourse in a remotest / least populated island with my most fav person .They say Pitcairn Islands in South pacific ocean is one of the least populated islands as of now with just 50 people(9 families precisely). If going there is not affordable atleast phuket islands or some other islands but a week atleast. Is some body saying amen!?? IF NO say it J
2.) I really hate people who just jump in to blogs / write ups and keep abusing in the name of criticism and who themselves cannot write a noteworthy or praiseworthy or comment/critic worthy stuff. All they want to take is “The magnifying of your negative aspects” challenge. I keep a distance from them(VERY LONG). If they try and get approachable well they get a piece of my mind in return
3.) I am obsessed with workouts be it daily walking or gym and am a foodie too and I though get hyper at times when I hog on food J I know how to balance it and am ready to join the group of people who ever have such real obsessions and share and take tips but people who never have an intention to work out keep giving or asking tips which makes me laugh
4.) I have strong liking for people who speak their heart out and who are naturally witty / funny when needed and keep their heart to themselves when situation demands be it a man or woman and a strong dislike for people who keep on highlighting “I SPEAK WITH ALL MY HEART” continuously as if I use my liver and kidney and who try to bring out their over-witty-funny-smarty nature with lotta effortJ
5.) I would love to take part in Burkha dutts “We the people NDTV” .if not take part just sit in audience beside burkha atleast in one episode not coz am crazy about her but as i need to grab the microphone to ask too many questions !!
6.) I love my girl friends (the closest ones). Am quite partial about them as I can speak my heart , liver , pancreas and kidney to them ;) and they can really understand it and come to my rescue especially when I fall face flat . Sometimes they understand it even when I don’t speak unlike many boys! I will anyways be writing a total article on girl friends sooner!:)
7.) I love Shahrukh khan. This love is MAD and unconditional and nothing can be done to repair it. He inspires me and I have a burning desire to meet him before I die and if possible take his interview and my most imp que will be “How do you handle the brick bats along with appraisal and move on in life and be successful?” and I wish my pulse rate to be normal when he shows that twinkle in eyes and that dimple in cheeks and gives some witty answer when that adams apple keeps tumbling![oops my *hearts already skipping a beat ;)*]
8.) This bit might not be possible but I want to stay with my parents for ever even after wedding. If not stay at least want to meet them very often! I DONT WANT TO BE A GUEST
9.) When sitting idle in rain, sleeping on terrace in cool breeze or browsing through diary , old books , old albums I go back in to memories and it always feels good/bad.
10.) Last but not the least I have nothing against God/Gods but I cant stand his Fans association.
There are many more OPEN secrets :) but it has to end at this bend when it reached ten !! So meet ya soon again may be tomorrow with the second challenge J