Sunday, August 2, 2009

Friendship Week............

We met by chance !!

At first Just gave a Glance...

Days passed and the months..

Was not aware When we were FRIENDS!!

We spoke we were silent,

We laughed loud We were Violent!!

We were concerned we were SERIOUS!

We made fun of...It was hilarious...

We stood for each other we fell apart...

We fight we cry We fail we try!!!

We Turn off We r selfish & BOLD!

We got a sudden thought of the times GOOD OLD!!

We here R "FRIENDS"

Whatsover may be the Day to day Trendzz!!!

@>-------------BY afshan -----------------<@


  1. Really a b'ful piece!
    Just all emotions, happenings compiled together in rhyming true!! :)
    F.R.I.E.N.D.S ;)


What do you think about this ? I always love to hear back. A comment or a brickbat boosts me to write more but the mud slinging shall be promptly vacuumed.

Thanks for your time :)

Dear Uruz Bhayya,

I wanted to write a letter to you, to preserve what all I am feeling in this blog post and to really get it out of my system and feel better...